Sunday, March 02, 2008


never seen so many herring in one place, there was alot more that i couldn't get in frame.

kelp with a blue tint

i've always wanted to snap a picture of this kind of kelp for awhile, but most of my dives are at night, so its kinda hard to grab a good picture of these.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

my dive buddies

my dive buddys at the beginning of our second dive. i only got a handfull of pictures, dew to the fact that my camera was acting up. the camera had a bad day of diving. at least i got a couple of pictures though.

is that the sun?

the sun greated us with his presance after a nice little rain storm. to bad it only lasted for about 20 minutes. just long enough to dry us out and make us cold.


in some country(i'm not sure witch one), these little guys are good eating. looks tastey doesn't he?
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