Sunday, July 22, 2007

just looking up

i found a kelp forrest of some kind, and looked up. i liked what i had seen so i thought i'd share it with you!

old rockfish

this rockfish was so old it probably could remember its grand children being hatched. if not, then he most likely remembers how a hook feels having never been caught before.

clear as white and orange

ok out of 80 logged dives now, i have yet to see this untill know. a white and orange anenome together. normaly i have seen red and white, just red, or orange, just white. but i thought it was cool looking.


we where about 39fsw, when we both looked up and seen this. it made for a nice shot, and we both had the same thought at the same time!

juvinile rock fish

there where at least 10 juvinile rock fish, but only these 2 stuck around to have a picture taken of them.

my dive buddy

my dive buddy was looking at something just behind me, so i took his picture as if he was looking into the camera.

a thinking lingcod

this lingcod moved the fist time i took his picture, so i waited untill he stopped. it turned out to be a better shot than the first one was, at times i think it is better to let the animal decide where to take the pictures.

spider crab

this spder crab was just hanging there untill i wanted a picture of it. then it decided he was not happy with it, i think i got his bad side. most likely his good side was more to the left...

lion's mane

my dive buddy and i where at the edmonds oil dock when i came up just as this lion's mane swam with in 2 feet of me. it seems i just have this thing with getting a little to close with these jellys. i just hope i am not on the receiving end of those tentacles at any time!

Friday, July 20, 2007

my little octo

even though it is a short clip, i the fact that some animals are just easy to get not only pictures of but videos as well.

before our dive

just before our dive, an old friend of mine took this picture of us. i would be the one on the right side.

slightly disorieanted

this sunfish was just slightly disorieanted i think. upside down and all!

dogfish numbers decreasing in puget sound

Dogfish Numbers Decrease In Puget Sound
August 2, 2005
Release from: UPI

The number of dogfish in Washington State is at an historic low, with officials estimating current numbers are just one-sixth of those reported in 1987.

Over-fishing is blamed for the dramatic decline, researchers told the Seattle Times. Statistics in 2001 -- the most recent available - indicated there were 1.75 million dogfish in Washington's inland waters, compared with more than 10 million 15 years earlier.

"We need to get the message out to the public. It's an amazing animal that can live up to 100 years," said Richard Beamish, a senior scientist for Fisheries and Oceans Canada. He noted dogfish don't start reproducing until they are 25 to 35 years old.

Beamish said sport fishermen may not realize a dogfish they've caught might have been born in 1925. And it is those fishermen who are catching the majority of dogfish in Puget Sound.

"They cut the fin off a dogfish, or cut off its nose or cut the belly open and let the entrails drag out, and throw the fish back alive to die," he said. "People should be disgusted. No animal should be treated this way."

Saturday, July 14, 2007

sand castle

after someone put all this hard work into this castle, it was finaly lost to davey jones's locker.

great balls of sea weed!!!

this root ball had sea weed all over it!

jetty island

this was taken at the jetty island, in everett, washington. it was just a nice day to play in the sun!
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